Anon, via twitter
Let's put this way if he wins it, then he's British, if he doesn't then he's just a bloody Scotsman.
Miles Culverhouse, Oxshott via post
I'm sorry but he hasn't got a hope in hell, I think he'll reach the final where he will get soundly beaten.
R.Federer, Wimbledon via Webcam
Murray is da best playa in eng no doubtz fuck federer murray 2 win
Ballboy, via text
OMG! shuuut up Ballboy u r a dik head murray shuld play womenz tennis coz he plays like a gay
Ace Ben Server, via text
It is strange because he has a lot more passion and fight than Tim Henman ever had and certainly has more chance of winning than him, but I still just get the urge to shout common Tim whenever I'm watching a game, that's something that will never leave me.
Judy Murray, via Skype
"Er yes, yes I think he can do it why not, common Murray! Anyway my names Graham and I wondered whether you'd be interested in getting any double glazing"?...............
Graham, via phone
"I don't know mate, I don't really like Tennis, sorry who are you and what's this about?"
Anon, face to face
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