Thursday, 10 May 2012


Comes before Wednesday
According to a recent survey more and more people believe that Tuesday is overtaking Wednesday as the middle of the week, with the public reported to be switching their Wednesday routine to a Tuesday.

The survey released yesterday by the DOTW (Days Of The Week) found that Tuesday was no longer being dismissed as just another day but was becoming more important than Wednesday. The survey figures resulted in 49 per cent of people now believing Tuesday to be midweek, 36 per cent said Wednesday and 15 per cent didn't know what day it was. The survey revealed that people are now doing things they would normally do on Wednesday, on a Tuesday. It's a remarkable turnaround as for many years Tuesday was regarded as one of the worst days of the week, it also uncovered that the public are socialising a lot more on Tuesday than Wednesday and that more people are planning for weekends on a Tuesday as opposed to a Wednesday".

Comes after Tuesday
Ruby a student from Sheffield took part in the survey and agrees that Tuesday is overhauling Wednesday as the most important midweek day. "Whenever it's Tuesday I always think it's Wednesday so I start to do everything I'd normally do on a Wednesday a day earlier on the Tuesday, unless of course I have a particular appointment booked on the Wednesday". 

Not everyone agrees with the survey though and critics from opposing survey's have even accused the DOTW of carrying out the survey on a Tuesday lunchtime and only approached happy people. An angry Alan Day from Midweek Surveys said "These people were having a good day so were more likely to say they preferred Tuesday to Wednesday or in other cases the people were either unemployed so did not have any particular routine, or worked only a four day week so Friday would be part of their weekend, they are just trying to grab the headlines again by cutting corners, I will be making a formal complaint to the Survey's Union at next Tuesday's meeting".  


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