The BBC have launched a series of television programmes starting in the new year. These will all have an Olympic theme to mark the prestigious summer event coming to London next August. These programmes are set to include;
Holmes under the Hammer
Gameshow in which Dame Kelly Holmes has to answer questions about the Olympics, any she gets wrong will be met with a giant rubber hammer around the head.
Pot Kettle Black

My Transexual Summer
Documentary focusing on Fatima Whitbread and Caster Semenya.
Top Gear
Guests on the show include Dwayne Chambers, Linford Christie and Ben Johnson.
Britain's next top M.I.L.F
Ex swimmer Sharon Davies goes on the hunt to find the next yummy mummy.
Daley Politics
Tom Daly and guests sit around a table and discuss the politics of his life with an in depth and sometimes irreverant look at the diving star's career so far.
Ex hurdling champ Colin Jackson shows clips of his top five hurdling mishaps, some painful but some downright funny.
The Lunchbox
A daytime chatshow hosted by Linford Christie where female olympic stars, from gymnastics, volleyball and swimming, join him on the sofa and enjoy a treat from his lunchbox.
What the Greco-Romans did for us
A series of Olympic wrestlers talk about the influence the Romans had on their careers.
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