A spokesman for the BBC explained this bizzare descision saying that it is a risky move, but eventually parents will come round to the idea. He added "There has been alot of negative comments about Junior Cage fighting and the dangers it involves but it is refeered properly and striking is not aloud. We see it as a way of educating children from an early age that life is not going to be all about playing with toys and dancing around in meadows, it's difficult out there and you don't want to be growing up thinking everyone is nice and friendly, because there not".
Parents are so far suprisingly split on the idea, 32 year old Alan Walker though is disgusted with the BBC's choice and demanded strongly that they re-consider they're approach or face losing thousands of viewers. "Im absolutely sickened they could do something like this and I will be writing a letter of complaint, I mean what kind of world are we living in, how could they take off Zing Zillas I was really starting to get in to that show".
Single mother of six Karen Thompson, 21 is in favour of the idea, she said" It's good for my youngsters to learn a bit about this sort of thing, I mean my youngest Kyle is far too soft at nusery and often misses out on playing with his favourite toys, so if he can learn some moves all the better for him".